Document represents document content along with its metadata that can be embedded, indexed or retrieved. Each document can contain multiple parts (for example text and an image)

Hierarchy (View Summary)



  • Parameters

    • data: {
          content: (
              | { media?: undefined; text: string }
              | { media: { contentType?: string; url: string }; text?: undefined }
          metadata: { score: number } & { [k: string]: unknown };

    Returns RankedDocument


content: (
    | { media?: undefined; text: string }
    | { media: { contentType?: string; url: string }; text?: undefined }
metadata: { score: number } & Record<string, any>


  • get data(): string
  • Gets the first item in the document. Either text or media url.

    Returns string

  • get dataType(): undefined | string
  • Gets the contentType of the data that is returned by data()

    Returns undefined | string

  • get media(): { contentType?: string; url: string }[]
  • Media array getter.

    Returns { contentType?: string; url: string }[]

    the array of media parts.

  • get text(): string
  • Concatenates all text parts present in the document with no delimiter.

    Returns string

    A string of all concatenated text parts.


  • Embedders may return multiple embeddings for a single document. But storage still requires a 1:1 relationship. So we create an array of Documents from a single document - one per embedding.


    • embeddings: { embedding: number[]; metadata?: Record<string, unknown> }[]

      The embeddings to create the documents from.

    Returns Document[]

    an array of documents based on this document and the embeddings.

  • Returns the score of the document.

    Returns number

    The score of the document.

  • Returns {
        content: (
            | { media?: undefined; text: string }
            | { media: { contentType?: string; url: string }; text?: undefined }
        metadata?: Record<string, any>;

  • Parameters

    • data: string
    • OptionaldataType: string
    • Optionalmetadata: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Document

  • Parameters

    • url: string
    • OptionalcontentType: string
    • Optionalmetadata: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Document

  • Parameters

    • text: string
    • Optionalmetadata: Record<string, any>

    Returns Document